Well, I have to ask myself what was the editorial thinking in putting THAT article in the newspaper? It doesn't add heat or light to the discussion. Maybe just a beaker of acid. And it is total nonsense. Those of us who thought Jennings was NOT a good appointment have stated ad nauseam our legitimate objections to him, but Mickelsen seems to have been in no mood to HEAR. I guess what she represents is the minority viewpoint (white parents ARE the minority in this case) that happens, by sheer ACCIDENT, to coincide with the viewpoint of the white men who run the Star Tribune. I couldn't tell, was the Mickelsen article properly labeled "opinion"? Because it seems to me that the Strib has made that point with previously printed opinions with which it disagrees. White folk surely have a right to their opinion, but that's all it is. As I’ve pointed out many times, white parents like Mickelson do NOT pay the bulk of the cost of educating their children. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to assume that burden. But to my eyes, I see them thinking somehow that THEIR choice for superintendent should have preference. I say no. I say the correct person should be someone who is a comfortable fit for all of us stakeholders, particularly the childless and the elderly who carry most of the COST on our backs. Well, as one of that group, Jennings was NOT a comfortable fit for me. I don't care what smokefilled rooms he has occupied; he ISN'T someone who I think will put the kids first. If he were, the Republican politicians wouldn't listen to him anyway. I want an EDUCATOR, not a backslapping ex-COC director. And I'm pretty sure that we can get that sort of person without any being descending from Paradise, Ms. Mickelsen.

Yeh, there's been more than enough killing and wounding here. To me, it is excessive hyperbole to start mentioning our high rank among callused cities. If residents need THAT to start giving serious attention to the problem, the prognosis is pretty grim. I think we're hiring the wrong cops if they all think they have to thump people to accomplish crime control. That suggests that they intend to use FEAR OF ARREST to deter crime. To me, arrest is fearful enough already, given that it leads to putting your fate in our lousy court system. Physical punishment is superfluous.

Jim Mork
Cooper Neighborhood
It is when power is wedded to chronic fear that it becomes formidable. Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983), The Passionate State of Mind, 1954

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