> [JM]  Framklin Street Bakery is also now featuring
> charges of unfair labor 
> practices in a recent union organizing campaign! 
> Yes, folks, while they 
> were planning for their new tasty truffles they were
> busy telling workers 
> they'd close if they organized.  Doesn't that make
> them taste better?

Probably not but I don't see how it makes them taste
worse either.

> I will add that I think it's a shame.  There's
> nothing sadder then feeling 
> like I shouldn't support a local business because of
> union busting 
> activities, but there it is.  Surely, Ventura
> Village needs small businesses 
> and community support.  It's unfortunate that the
> workers in those 
> businesses are apparently not always treated with
> the respect they deserve.

why is it that workers are not respected unless they
belong to a union?  12.9 percent of wage and salary
workers were union members in 2003.  Are you telling
me 88% of workers out there are not treated with

I don't get it.

John Harris

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