>  Outdoor baseball has an intangible
> benefit to the community that I appreciate.  I think it is worth the
> cost.  I have only seen the people of Minnesota completely united 3
> times in my lifetime, 1987, 1991 and 9/11.  What is that worth, what was
> the cost?

All three were fleeting.  (The unity of 9/11 lasted a little longer but
also resulted in a terrible schizm in this country with one-half believing
that 9/11 has been misused for political gain and the other half believing
something else.)

With regard to the price *I* pay for the Twins games - that price comes in
increased traffic in my neighborhood after games which draws in
prositution and drug dealing as fans migrate through back to their homes
or whereever.

No, that price is too high for a fleeting moment of your illusion of unity.

Our police our underfunded as it is.  I call and call and call to move the
hookers and the pimps.  But *I* am the one who has to clean up the
garbage, the beer bottles, the underwear and the condoms.  Who will
compensate me for  *my* time, inconvenience and risks to my safety?  What
share of that tax will go to *me* for the devaluation of my property as a
result of this?

Will I see Twins fans on my corner driving out the pimps and dealers for
me after the games?  I don't think so.

So, no, the old one isn't worth the cost and the new one won't be worth
the cost.  Although, I might be willing to pay to get my neighborhood out
from the umbra of the stadium.  However, I really don't want to shove my
problems into  North Minneapolis.  Let some other city have the stadium,
one that can afford the burden.

Robert Schmid

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