We own and live at the property directly north of Clinton Field and
know exactly what Ms. Young has reported regarding shoes and power
lines. After a year of complaining to the MPRB about overgrown brush
on park property directly underneath this power line, a crew finally
cleared it out last fall. We have now enjoyed a great spring and
summer without looking out at an athletic shoe store outside our
second floor back porches.

I am not sure of the motivation behind this shoe display, but I do
know the cover of that excessive brush promoted drug dealing and
prostitution. Those problems and the shoes are now gone.

Also, I would like to correct a statement about a toilet at Clinton
Field. A structure was erected at the park to house such a facility,
but the biff was never installed. Budget cuts?

Brad Hartmann

On 6/28/05, Pamela Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I just asked my daughter's friend (who is in his 20's) and he said that the 
> shoes signify that someone has died.  He did not specify whether it was 
> connected to a gang thing or not.  That's all I have on the subject so far.
> Pamela Taylor
> (Lyndale)
> Annie Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems we on this list are not quite up on this possible hop-hop thing -
> how about some of you parent's with teenagers on the list see if they can
> give us some clues so we can get to the bottom of this thread.
> Summer in the City,
> Annie Young
> East Phillips
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