I really feel icky responding to this. Like I've been dragged in the mud. But 
this is really sad.
I think this is a red herring, and perhaps even a bit of a canard.
I was there. Patrick Scully only asked about an abortion rights rally. He never 
mentioned any sort of GLBT event or concerns.
Brother Michael in turn asked him how often there are pro-choice rallys on 
athletic fields.
Nikki Carlson, Linden Hills
Pro-choice, DeLaSalle parent, and GLBT parent
"Phyllis Kahn wrote:   Let me add a few comments on the separation of Church 
and State issue. This is from a conversation that Patrick Scully (An Island 
resident and the force behind Patrick's Cabaret) had with Brother Michael 
Collins (principal of DeLaSalle). Remember this is supposed to be a public 
space, under the ultimate control of a public entity as MN state bonding $$ 
were used to purchase the park land involved. Patrick asked what would happen 
if a group wanted to use this space for an Abortion Rights or a GLBT event. 
Brother Michael said that permission would have to come from the Archdiocese. 
It is true he was just answering off the top of his head, but it doesn't sound 
like appropriate park board policy to me."
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