Dan quipped
"Setting aside the fact that Dave Shegstad has never held public office,
asking neighbors, "What has Dave Shegstad done for you?" would reveal some
pretty interesting stories. He's pretty tight-lipped about such things, but
I've heard some stories from his brother, such as the elderly neighbor who
needed a new roof, but didn't have the resources to have one put on her
house. Dave got in his truck, picked up the materials with his own money,
and put the roof on with his own sweat. Shegstad is well known around the
neighborhood as good samaritan. He's volunteered to serve on advisory
boards, worked as a volunteer precinct leader, mentored first-time small
business owners, and helped to keep us safe with service in the National
Guard, and Minneapolis Police Reserves."

Sounds just like my next door neighbor-only I do not think she should run for city council...and we all do charity work. I gave all my election judge earnings to planned parenthood on ford parkway...and I mentor small business owners all the time. And I have kept the neighbor safe reporting the "bad houses"...I am sure we can come up with what has been done in Ward 9....starting with some pretty fine coffee and a great building to look at on the corner.
Gina Palandri
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