> > Well, I can agree with that.  Let's not forget that the Minneapolis DFL
> > two nearly-identical candidates -- actually moderate Republicans --
> > about a million bucks apiece to sling mud at each other.
> There they float, side by side, in the big porcelain bowl.
> High up there is a large chrome handle.

I think that this representation is completely false and intentionally
distorted for political advantage.  First, characterizing either of
candidates as "moderate Republicans" is ridiculous.  It shows how
radically left of center the accusers are.

Second, you need only look at the lawn signs in my neighborhood
to realize that there are major differences between these candidates.
For the most part, those with McLaughlin signs are old guard DFL/NRP
ingroupees.  Those with Rybak signs are younger and more free from
past loyalties.  I think that who you chose brakes along the
edges of commitment to Old Labor (as can be evidenced by the
Police Federation recommendation) support for the pork barrel NRP program,
and "hope" for a more progressive and farsighted DFL.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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