Public Hearing for the DeLaSalle "design" motion for getting on with the EAW ( environmental assessment worksheet )

Barry Clegg: The MPRB has never had a discussion of the following for the public.....

1)  Is this an appropriate use for a regional park?
2) Why are you building soccer/football fields here when there are a dozen or more within a 5 minute drive?

Christine Viken: After hearing DeLaSalle's attorney at the previous hearing comment that the stadium should be adjacent to DeLaSalle as no one would ask that a lab or classroom to be non- adjacent Ms. Viken pointed out that many entities must have non adjacent facilities due to zoning laws and restrictions. She again reiterates that some on the board should reconsider their impartiality based on their ties with DeLaSalle both past and current.

Edna Brazaitis: Ms Brazaitis comments on the poor public process that the MPRB used in their CAC that did not allow for public input or the reaching of a consensus. She suggested that the MPRB should come up with a better plan for future projects ( and her 90 seconds are up per President Olson)

Eric Gallatz (sorry about the spelling): Thanks the MPRB and the DeLaSalle CAC for their time. DeLaSalle has been going through the process in good faith and hopes that the MPRB is doing the same. Feels the questions about appropriateness regarding the facility have been answered and would like a stronger commitment from the MPRB and hope to get it from them passing the motion tonight regarding approval of the plan sent for the EAW.

Judith Martin: She attended all three meetings of the DeLaSalle CAC and did not feel that many questions were answered except from DeLaSalle's point of view. She points out again that both landscape architects on the CAC voted against the plan and the the public purpose for this facility that would warrant the MPRB's participation has yet to be defined. She also points out that by closing Grove St to build the stadium would alter the historical district.

Arlene Fried: Ms. Fried states that by limiting the public to 90 seconds of speaking time the board is doing a disservice to the entire process.

Patrick Falicetta ( sorry again if I misspelled) teacher at St. Charles Middle School voices his frustration that his team is playing in Shoreview. Why must city kids play in the suburbs. Vote for this and Vote for Minneapolis kids.

Thomas Kelly: DeLaSalle alum and 64 year Minneapolis resident. He urges to pass the motion from the CAC as he has known the CAC chair Mr. McKasy for years and trusts him to have chaired well.

Tim O'Hara: Thinks that parks are for kids and this would be more welcoming to kids ( the stadium vs the open field and tennis courts) and urges the MPRB to move forward.

Janet Demming: Ms. Demming a self proclaimed sports mom and now grandma drives all over to watch her grandkids play sports. Many suburban and small town schools do not have adjoining fields. She recommends rebuilding a sports stadium for Minneapolis youth at the Parade site.

John Chaffee: Mr. Chaffee points out that the MPRB will be trading approx. $7 million dollars in land for playing field and gym time worth about 1/2 million dollars and wants to know if 1) this is legal and 2) What is the public getting for this $ 6.5 million gift? And what about the money spent to build the now soon to be removed tennis courts?

Patrick Scully: Points out that this is a land use issue and that the bigger picture is not being addressed. Where is input from the Board Members? Where is a master plan for the park system and how would this fit? Are the citizens of Minneapolis getting a good trade? Why is this facility in particular? How will it serve the public at large?

Janice Nall: Ms Nall also has questions for the board. When will the public have access, from midnight until 6 am? How will time conflicts be avoided? Would like a more specific schedule of days, months and hours the public will have access before this deal goes forward.

John Derus: What does it matter what the land is worth as this isn't a give away it is a joint agreement. What is the value of the land the homeowners are on and are they paying enough taxes based on the value? Could the city be getting more from these people? This parkland isn't used as a park it's used for housing.

Nikki Carlson: Ms. Carlson says nothing new is being discussed here, most people she's talked to are for the stadium and do not understand what all the fuss is about.

Jan Hively: Language makes a difference and what we are talking about here is not an athletic field but a stadium complete with lights, a sound system, scoreboard and bleacher seating for 750 people. She also was not happy that the CAC did not hear from anyone representing outside environmental groups or historical groups.

August Berkshire: As a representative of the Minnesota Atheists working with both the ACLU and Brian Rice, he feels that ... 1) When the stadium is being used on "city time" all city laws and ordinances should apply
2)  City time should be scheduled through the MPRB and not DeLaSalle

Judy Blaseg: The MPRB entered into the 1983 agreement and as a party to it should hold up their end of the deal. **

Brother Michael Collins: Brother Michael talks about the need for a lesson in how cultures function and that everyone does not have the ability to drive. He compares the situation to New Orleans where the non drivers were left to weather the storm and following chaos. DeLaSalle isn't begging we just want the agreement to be kept. The homes at the north end of the island were also referenced in this agreement and their part of the deal has been met. **

** to all, look at the alumni letter that was sent out by DeLaSalle this spring and see the lines for the regulation field in the ariel photo and the tennis courts, that is what was offered in the 1983 agreement and that is what is shown in the photograph

NOTE FROM LIZ: This photo was printed along with an article in the Island Review Spring 2005 issue. Due to copyright laws I will not be scanning it in and sending to anyone but I was sent a copy by a DeLaSalle alum who is also my godfather. I would imagine they have copies at the school library.

Public hearing is closed. Stay tuned for part 3 and the MPRB discussion.....

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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