Yes, we have altered the qlocal to notrigger and then back to trigger.
To change the question slightly, in my production environment the
application generally does NOT have access to alter their own queues.  But
this is one attribute that I would think they should be able to change.
However I don't see where the MQ RACF configuration supports permitting them
to change the one attrribute.
A) am I correct about that.
B) any thoughts on how I might implement a utility that would somehow alter
that attribute for people?  Check that they have update access to the queue,
and if they do, then do the alter for them?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Clarke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Re-triggering a process

> >Hi
> >is there a way of re-triggering a process that has fired and failed,
> >than by changing the Q attributes (from depth 1 to depth x)  ?
> >TIA
> >Kevin Wolfenden
> Kevin,
> Change the local queue attribute to NOTRIGGER and then back to TRIGGER.
> If the failure is quite common is might be worth looking at the TRIGINT
> attribute of the Queue Manager.
> Cheers,
> P.
> Paul G Clarke
> WebSphere MQ Development
> IBM Hursley
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