
>Thanks for the explanation.
>So I was right there is no way to run channel agent as a process on NT?

>Except if I run several listeners and enforce a single connection per
listener via Exit :-)?

>Thank you,


The non-threaded listener would be inetd right ? Since Windows does not
come with an inetd process (as such) we have not had a strong requirement
to support this mode of operation. Usually users want to run channels as
separate processes either for testing purposes or for scalability (ie. huge
numbers of clients). On NT a single listener is quite capable of handling a
large number of clients. For testing a dodgy channel exit (or whatever),
you are right, I would recommend that you start your channel into a
different listener listening on a different port. As a general rule though
I do not recommend that each channel requires it's own listener. It should
only be on test systems or when testing a new channel exit or similar that
you might feel the need to isolate one channel from all the others.


Paul G Clarke
WebSphere MQ Development
IBM Hursley

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