
I'm having a problem getting MQSeries 5.2.1 installed on a certain server.  Every time 
when its done copying files it gets to 100% then instantly starts this rolling back 
action where it undoes the installation then says "Installation wizard interrupted!" 
"The wizard was interrupted before the operation could be completed.  To complete the 
operation at another time, please run wizard again."

It met all the prerequisites.  The user that it’s installing under is in the 
administrators group.  I have tried it with a domain account and with a local account, 
both with admin rights.  I tried reinstalling windows installer, service pack 6a over 

The server is running Windows NT4 server.  It does have Norton antivirus installed.  
But I went through services and shut down everything I could and it still does the 
same thing.  Has any one else encountered this? Or have any ideas what would cause 

Thank You,

Donovan Baldwin

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