
I need some help to understand the following problem.
- MQSeries server v5.2 on Win2000 on computerA
- MQSeries client v5.2 on Win2000 on computerB
(btw, same problem happen with v5.1 and v5.2.1)

On client side I send a message with COA/COD. I use SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT and
fill userIdentity with blanks (12 spaces).
The reply queue and reply queue manager point to a remote definition queue
on the server.

I successfully get the COA report.
However, server side fail to send the COD report (and it doesn't matter if
it's a possitive report after reading the message or negative report after
The following event is issued on the server:
Report message could be put on the reply-to queue.
The attempt to put the report message on qeuue MYQUE on queue manager MYQMGR
failed with reason code 2035. The message will be put on the dead-letter

Any ideas ?
Again, COA report is sent successfully. I don't understand why there are
autorization problems only for the COD.

If userIdentity is a existing user name, then COD is sent ok. But for some
scenarios, I must use a blank user identity and send with


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