On this I have answers from IBM.

1)  The CMVC level is a build date.  It is year, month, day.  So where you see L021011 is 2002-10-11.  Thanks James Kingdon.

2)  IBM support tells me they acknowledge this is not the way mqver should work.  There isn't a PMR on it but they will fix it probably in CSD 2.  No official word on that, just an unofficial response.  They don't know when CSD 1 will be available for download.  There are problems with that version of the CSD.

Anyhoo, I am going to start upgrading servers in development environments for my client and see what happens.

Michael F Murphy/AZ/US/MQSolutions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date Recieved:
12/03/2002 03:08:25 PM
Re: V5.3/V5.3.1 etc

Great explanation, this helps a great deal.  I am still concerned about mqver.  Here is the output I get on both my Windows 2000 and Linux machines.  Note that my Windows 2000 memo.ptf says it has CSD 1 but Linux says no CSD applied:

Name:        WebSphere MQ
Version:     530
CMVC level:  p000-L021011
BuildType:   IKAP - (Production)

How can I tell the CSD applied with this?  To me it is gibberish.

Mike Murphy

MQ Solutions, LLC

Mark Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date Recieved:
12/03/2002 08:54:42 AM
V5.3/V5.3.1 etc

Let me make one thing very clear: there is NO SUCH THING as V5.3.1

For a brief time, the download images were labelled that way, but it was
quickly corrected to say V5.3.0.1. That extra zero makes all the

The first tranche of V5.3 platforms were shipped mid-year, and we often
refer to those as the GA1 release.

Testing then continued on the extra platforms (Linux, OS/400) and a number
of fixes were made in cross-platform code. So, when the second set was
released ("GA2") it made sense to refresh the manufacturing images of the
original set of platforms at the same time, so they were all at exactly the
same level. New shipments of the original platforms will all, in effect,
have CSD01 pre-applied.

However you could also get the same set of code by applying CSD01 to a GA1
platform. You will see the CSD level included in inventory commands such as
lslpp on AIX, wherever that's possible.

Two minor complications: CSD01 isn't separately downloadable at the moment,
because of a hitch dealing with the fact that it contains crypto code. We
are trying to sort that out urgently. (I believe some people have been sent
it directly, but can't be sure of that.)
And if you want to install on Windows XP you must get the new level, as the
earlier install code (which of course cannot be updated by CSD) explicitly
refused to allow you to put it on XP.

But when CSD02 arrives, you will be able to install it on top of a GA1
package, a GA2 package or a GA1+CSD01 package.

Mark Taylor.

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