Timbo A,

The key point in the doco that you quoted was :-
" However, the application serving the queue might not actually open the

In my case the application already has the queue open.

In the manual it says in Conditions for a trigger event :-
11. A suitable message is placed on the queue, for a TriggerType of
and the queue was not previously empty and conditons 2 through 10 (excluding
are satisfied, if in the case of MQTT_FIRST a sufficient interval
has elapsed since the last message was written for this queue.

So, one of the conditions in "conditons 2 through 10 (excluding 3)"
is condition 4 :-
4. For triggering of type FIRST, no program has the application queue open
removing messages (that is, the OpenInputCount local queue attribute is


Timbo C.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Armstrong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: Triggerinterval firing when queue is still open


I think TriggerInterval operates regardless of the other conditions
necessary for triggering to occur. Anyway see excerpt below.

Tim A

Special case of trigger type FIRST

With trigger type FIRST, if there is already a message on the application
queue when another message arrives, the queue manager does not usually
create another trigger message. However, the application serving the queue
might not actually open the queue (for example, the application might end,
possibly because of a system problem). If an incorrect application name has
been put into the process definition object, the application serving the
queue will not pick up any of the messages. In these situations, if another
message arrives on the application queue, there is no server running to
process this message (and any other messages on the queue).

To deal with this, the queue manager creates another trigger message if
another message arrives on the application queue, but only if a predefined
time interval has elapsed since the queue manager created the last trigger
message for that queue. This time interval is defined in the queue manager
attribute TriggerInterval. Its default value is 999 999 999 milliseconds.

You should consider the following points when deciding on a value for the
trigger interval to be used in your application:
      If TriggerInterval is set to a low value, trigger type FIRST might
      behave like trigger type EVERY (this depends on the rate that
      messages are being put onto the application queue, which in turn may
      depend on other system activity). This is because, if the trigger
      interval is very small, another trigger message is generated each
      time a message is put onto the application queue, even though the
      trigger type is FIRST, not EVERY. (Trigger type FIRST with a trigger
      interval of zero is equivalent to trigger type EVERY.)
      If a unit of work is backed out (see Trigger messages and units of
      work) and the trigger interval has been set to a high value (or the
      default value), one trigger message is generated when the unit of
      work is backed out. However, if you have set the trigger interval to
      a low value or to zero (causing trigger type FIRST to behave like
      trigger type EVERY) many trigger messages can be generated. If the
      unit of work is backed out, all the trigger messages are still made
      available. The number of trigger messages generated depends on the
      trigger interval, the maximum number being reached when trigger
      interval has been set to zero.

                      Tim Clarke
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
                      .AU>                     cc:
                      Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Triggerinterval
firing when queue is still open
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      04/03/2003 12:48
                      Please respond to
                      MQSeries List

I am have a queue with trigger FIRST and an application
that is doing a GET with a WAITINTERVAL of 5 minutes.

The application is staying running for hours keeping the
queue open, but the TRIGGERINTERVAL is still generating
extra trigger messages.

My understanding from the Appl. Prog. Guide (Chapter 14)
in "Conditions for a trigger event" point 11 is that
for a trigger message to be generated by the TRIGGERINTERVAL
conditions 2-10 (excl. 3) must be satisfied and condition 4
is that the queue must have an OpenInputCount of 0.

So, if the application still has the queue open, why are
these extra trigger messages being generated ?


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