Well, I think I have proved what everyone was saying. A channel speed of
Normal is what is getting me here. Neil Casey and Brian McCarty provided the
exact explanation as to why: non persistent messages sent over a normal
speed channel cause persistent message to be written to the channel sync
queue, which requires disk. I set up some tests in my lab environment. Here
are the results.

Server1: SpokeQM1, Win2000 SP2, MQ 5.3 CSD03
RemoteQ called FinalQ that points to FinalQ on SpokeQM2, via transmit queue

Server2: HubQM1, Win2000 SP2, MQ 5.2.1 CSD05
QMAlias called SpokeQM2, which sends messages to transmit queue

Server3: SpokeQM2, Win2000 SP2, MQ 5.2.1 CSD05
Local queue called FinalQ

Test #1: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of NORMAL. Start putting 1K
Non-Persistent(NP) messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def
on SpokeQM1.
Results #1: As expected, constant disk writes on the server that houses

Test #2: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 1K NP
messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
Results #2: As expected, no disk activity at all on the server that houses
HubQM1. Actually, there was disk activity when the channel started/ended,
but for the whole duration while the channel was running, no I/O.

Test #3: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 70,000
byte NP messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
Results #3: No disk activity at all on the server that houses HubQM1. ???
These messages are larger than the 64K queue buffer, so why are the messages
flying thru the hub with no I/O? I am happy with these results, just that it
is unexpected. Could it be that the Sending MCA to SpokeQM2 has the XMIT
queue open ready for messages, with an outstanding GET? But I thought this
was a feature new to 5.3 only.

Test #4: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 5000
byte NP messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
Every 45 seconds or so, I send over a Persistent 5000 byte message on the
same channel.
Results #4: As expected, no disk activity at all on the server that houses
HubQM1, except every 45 seconds when the P message comes over.

Test #5: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 5000
byte NP messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
As the messages are flowing, yank the 2 cables that connect this server to
the SAN (Veritas was disabled so it would not try and fail over).
Results #5: No effect at all. Even though the server had no hard disk, these
messages still kept flying thru the server as if nothing at all was wrong.

Test #6: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 5000
byte NP messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
At the same time, start putting 5000 byte P messages over the same channel.
As the messages are flowing, yank the 2 cables that connect this server to
the SAN (Veritas was disabled so it would not try and fail over).
Results #6: Everything backs up. Both NP and P messages are backed up in the
XMITQ on SPOKEQM1. As soon as the cables are plugged back in, the messages
start flowing again.

Test #7: Channel SpokeQM1.HubQM1 has a speed of FAST. Start putting 5000
byte NP messages every 250 milliseconds to the remote queue def on SpokeQM1.
At the same time, start putting 5000 byte P messages over A DIFFERENT
CHANNEL between SpokeQM1 and HubQM1. As the messages are flowing, yank the 2
cables that connect this server to the SAN (Veritas was disabled so it would
not try and fail over).

Results #7: Everything backs up on the channel that was dealing with P
messages. The channel that had only NP messages was not effected at all. As
soon as the cables are plugged back in, the messages start flowing again on
the secondary channel. The primary channel that had NP messages never

So now I am kinda stuck. Back in the production environment, what to do? I
can set the channel between SpokeQM1 and the HUB to fast, as it is a
dedicated channel for this application anyway. I'll just let them know of
the possibility (very remote) that the channel may lose their message. SAN
blips are a lot more frequent than MQ losing NP messages over a FAST

But what do I do with the CLUSRCVR channels? They are a shared resource for
the whole company. Do I let this one application dictate that these channels
get switched to FAST, at the risk of other apps having NP message lost.
Granted, we have a pretty reliable network here, but man, what a waste of
time trying to hunt for messages that get lost over the fast channel. (For
anyone just jumping into the thread now, please don't suggest that I just
make the messages persistent. That is not the answer. Read the thread from
the beginning to see why). What do most people out there have their Cluster
channel speeds at?

Dennis, you also mentioned moving the logs off of the SAN, but then that
kinda defeats the purpose of having these servers HA.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: How a MQSeries Hub does its thing with persistent /
non-persi stent messages

In order to get the behaviour you want, the task processing NP messages must
not use or be dependent on SAN I/O whatsoever. Now you don't have absolute
control of the I/O that MQ uses.  For example, NP messages can spill to disk
if they are large or many, and sometimes MQ will use disk scratchpads for
various reasons.  The good news is that IBM has put a lot of effort into
optimizing the throughput of NP messages, so avoids disk I/O unless
absolutely necessary.

I still think you are probably experiencing log I/O because the channels are
doing your NP messages under syncpoint. Change your Ha-Ha channels to
NPMSPEED=fast and see if it makes a difference.

Ultimately, I think you need to move your logs off the SAN.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 2:32 PM
> Subject:           Re: How a MQSeries Hub does its thing with persistent /
non-persi              stent messages
> For Ha-Has, I made a dedicated channel for this app from SPOKE1 to HUBQM.
> The only messages going over this channel are non persistent. Thousands of
> messages are zooming across this channel every hour. The XMIT queue never
> got deeper than 2. The speed is normal. A bin change hits our SAN, which
> HUB needs, and the XMIT queue backed up to 22 for a couple of seconds!
> then there have been no changes to the SAN, and the XMIT queue again has
> gotten over 2. This to me reinforces that fact that a disk outage on the
> is effecting non persistent messages somehow. And I am beginning to think
> there is no way around it.  :(
> About the messages being non persistent / persistent and the channel
> Even though the messages are non persistent, I still care about them. I
> always been of the mind set that whether a message is persistent or not
> more to do with how difficult it is for the apps to reproduce the message
> it got lost. If it is a big deal, then make it persistent. It will survive
> anything and eventually be processed. Messages that tend to sit in queues
> for a long time are susceptible to QMs going down, and thus should be made
> persistent if they need to survive.
> The messages in this app are inquiry style. They are invalid 5 seconds
> the fact. Even if they were persistent and survived a QM restart, they
> still be invalid, so why incur the performance penalties of persistence?
> Now, that's not to say we don't care if they get lost or not. I always
> my head when I hear people say "I made it non persistent because I don't
> care if it gets lost or not". If you don't care, why did you bother to
> it in the first place?!?!? What if MQ was losing 50% of the nonpersistent
> messages? I couldn't tell the app "Hey just resend them, they are only
> inquiry messages anyway!" Nor could I say, "Every message in this company
> going to be persistent. We don't want to bother with lost messages ever".
> Its my job to config MQ to be as reliable as possible.
> An application that sends non persistent inquiry messages that will be
> invalid in 5 seconds has a reasonable assumption that MQ will do
> it can to deliver them. Just because they don't need to survive a QM
> doesn't mean they are less important.
> I feel the happy medium between "Make all message persistent" and "Don't
> expect all your messages to always make it to the other side" is to set
> message channel speed to normal, as long as conditions warrant it. If you
> got a BATCHINT of 100 and a BATCHSIZE of 200 and your XMIT queues
> back up, and the occasional non persistent message is being held back
> the batch commits, then no way, the speed should be fast, and live with
> fact that it may get lost.
> But I bet that is not how many of anybody's channels run. I bet most of
> have XMIT queues that are normally empty, and the BATCHINT is still set to
> the default of 0. In this case, setting the speed to normal will have very
> little effect on overall performance, but will insure that no messages
> get lost.
> I wonder why IBM choose to have the default setting of the channel speed
> to fast? Seems to me it would be better to make the default normal. This
> would perform just fine for most people and would help MQ's rep of never
> losing messages. You have no idea what a pain it was discovering that MQ
> losing messages over a particular fast channel. Days of blaming the apps
> with losing the messages, hunting in DLQs all over the place, XMIT queues,
> application queues, etc. The real kick in the pants is that when a message
> is lost like this, there is ZERO record of the fact. You are left
> you head. The man hours wasted on hunting for a message lost like this is
> just not worth it. I'll gladly take a tiny performance hit in a tiny
> percentage of the messages I send over an already very fast product.
> Any people looking to pump up the performance of a channel above and
> this could then tweak the channel to fast, only after realizing messages
> could get lost. Maybe when it was time to decide what value to use as a
> default, the logic was "We have a choice of making our product faster out
> the box or making our message delivery more assured out of the box". And
> choice was to make it fast, in case customers are running performance
> comparisons against other messaging systems like SONINMQ or MSMQ. Who
> this is only a guess.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:04 PM
> Subject: Re: How a MQSeries Hub does its thing with persistent /
> non-persi stent messages
> I think I joined the thread part way through. Now I'm playing catchup.
> read you original message which I'll add my 2p (English money) in
> revers(ish) order:
> Q3. I then defined a local queue on QMHUB and used one of the spoke QMs to
> send non-persistent message to it. 1 GIG worth actually. Now these are not
> written to disk, cause they are not persistent, so where are they, in
> memory? I see the queue file grew by over a GIG, so doesn't that mean they
> are on disk, even though they are non persistent?
> A3: I would expect these to remain in memory until you exceed the amount
> memory allocated to hold these messages, after which MQ must store them on
> disk, surely?
> Q1. On day 1, is there any data being written to disk by QMHUB as the
> messages fly thru? I assume no, since they are not persistent (but see Q3
> below [ above - J]).
> A1: See question 1. Messages may get logged to disk if MQ runs out of
> allocated cache memory.
> Q2. On day 2, even though we have 2 CPUs, we still have only 1 QM, so I
> assume all the non persistent messages throughput must be affected by the
> persistent messages. My reasoning is, as the persistent messages go in and
> out of the QMAliases, and in and out of the XMIT queues, it has to "stop"
> and log, right? And if it has to stop and log, then it can't be handling
> non persistent ones at the same time right? They have to wait?
> A3: Elsewhere you mentioned changing the channels to normal rather
> To me this means non-psist messages get sent in sequence and are
> acknowledged by the channels. Now your messages sit in transmission queues
> and get read in turn and sent (again waiting for acks from the receiving
> end). You want this to stop losing messages (though exactly why I'm not
> since they're not psistent and will die if the QM is restarted - another
> discussion).
> Since you now have non & psistent messages mixed in a XMITQ, I would
> the psistent onces to "get in the way" of non-persisten ones since
> be read in batches and sent and acknowledged by the receiving end.
> However, these are only mixed by XMITQ. Thus if you have all persistent
> going to SPOKEQM1 and all non-persistent going to SPOKEQM2, I would not
> expect SPOKEQM2's messages to be delayed by SPOKEQM1's persistent
> Regards
> John.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Potkay, Peter M (PLC, IT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 30 May 2003 15:18
> Subject: Re: How a MQSeries Hub does its thing with persistent / non-persi
> stent messages
> The HUB has dozens of channels to and from each spoke. My question is if
> pair of spokes is exchanging Nonpersistent messages and another pair
> sending persistent, will they hurt each other.
> I don't think dedicating channels to be persistent or not between a spoke
> and the HUB will make a difference, since either way, the HUB QM has to
> with dozens of channels either way. It may make a difference on how fast a
> message gets from a particular spoke to the HUB, but not what happens once
> it is already there.
> <SNIP/>
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