But the MQSeries Version 1 products were the ezBridge
Transact products from Systems Strategies Inc. Right ?


--- Roger Meli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are right about Victory. All I can say is that
> the distributed code you
> are all running was written by IBM and had no code
> from SSI in it. Never
> did. It was designed and written from scratch.
> Roger Meli
> |---------+---------------------------->
> |         |           "Brian S.        |
> |         |           Crabtree"        |
> |         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> |         |           K.NET>           |
> |         |           Sent by: MQSeries|
> |         |           List             |
> |         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
> |         |           N.AC.AT>         |
> |         |                            |
> |         |                            |
> |         |           06/11/2003 03:27 |
> |         |           PM               |
> |         |           Please respond to|
> |         |           MQSeries List    |
> |         |                            |
> |---------+---------------------------->
>   |
>                                            |
>   |       To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                                            |
>   |       cc:
>                                            |
>   |       Subject:  Re: MQ software evolution - fill
> in the gaps?
>                                            |
>   |
>                                            |
> Ronald
> On MQSeries.net Repository there is MQLecture.ppt
> I understand that Joe Conron was the ezBridge
> project leader for SSI
> His timeline is
> 1992 - Systems Strategies (SSI) develops ezBridge, a
> messaging and queuing
> product for VMS, Tandem, and Unix
> IBM announces Networking Blueprint defining three
> standard APIs for program
> to program communication: CPI-C, RPC, MQI
> 1992-3  State Street Bank (Boston) evaluates IBM
> messaging product (code
> name "Victory")  for IBM CICS/ESA and SSI's ezBridge
> on VMS and Tandem.
> "State Street Bank would like to announce the
> wedding of IBM and Systems
> Strategies!"
> 1993 IBM buys intellectual property rights for
> ezBridge from SSI
> MQSeries was the MVS implementation, IBM paid SSI to
> implement the MQI API
> in ezBridge to give the distributed systems coverage
> Otherwise Gary Ward's timeline is fairly definitive
> Brian S. Crabtree
> EAI Consultant
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ronald Weinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 2:20 PM
> Subject: Re: MQ software evolution - fill in the
> gaps?
> > Tom is correct. IBM did not develop the foundation
> for WMQ.  It was
> > originally something called EZ-Bridge, but I do
> not remember the original
> > company.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                       "Zovko, Tom"
> >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
> >                       UTH.COM>                 cc:
> >                       Sent by:
> Subject:  Re: MQ software
> evolution - fill in the gaps?
> >                       "MQSeries List"
> >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                       n.AC.AT>
> >
> >
> >                       06/11/2003 11:04
> >                       AM
> >                       Please respond to
> >                       "MQSeries List"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > For you trivia buffs out there:
> >
> > I was told by an IBM instructor that the product
> known as MQSeries was
> > purchased by IBM in 1989-90 from a Company in the
> Netherlands which
> created
> > it for Banks running OS/390 in Montreal and NYC.
> >
> > -Tom
> >       -----Original Message-----
> >       From: Art Schanz
> >       Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:28 AM
> >       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       Subject: Re: MQ software evolution - fill in
> the gaps?
> >
> >
> >       Even though we are slightly off-track.....
> >
> >         Rebecca is in the right ballpark (or on
> the right pitch, for
> those
> >       footballers in and around Hursley).  TCAM
> was introduced by IBM as
> a
> >       replacement to BTAM.  While BTAM was
> essentially a low-level,
> >       terminal-to-application access method, TCAM
> had it's own 'control
> >       program' to manage both queueing and traffic
> scheduling.  In that
> >       respect, you might consider TCAM a
> predecessor to MQ....but I think
> >       it's a stretch.
> >
> >       Cheers,
> >         Art
> >
> >       Arthur C. Schanz
> >       Operating Systems Programmer I. - Specialist
> >       Federal Reserve Information Technology
> >       Distributed Systems Engineering
> >       IBM Certified Specialist / Solutions Expert
> -  MQSeries
> >       IBM Certified System Administrator -
> WebSphere MQ V5.3
> >       (804) 697-3889
> >
> >
> >
> >    "Bullock, Rebecca (CSC)"
> >    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                         To:
> >    Sent by: MQSeries List
> >    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  cc:
> >
> Subject:        Re: MQ
> >                                       software
> evolution - fill in the
> >    06/11/2003 08:57 AM                gaps?
> >    Please respond to MQSeries List
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >       Wasn't TCAM (along with BTAM) a precursor to
> VTAM? (Although I may
> be
> >       wrong
> >       about that; it was a long time ago and is
> sort of lost in the mists
> >       of time.
> >       We were a BTAM shop, but as I remember, you
> had the choice of TCAM
> or
> >       BTAM.)
> >       -- Rebecca
> >
> >       -----Original Message-----
> >       From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 8:17 AM
> >       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       Subject: Re: MQ software evolution - fill in
> the gaps?
> >
> >
> >       All,
> >
> >       I thought ez-bridge came before MQSeries,
> unless it was Rel 1.0 of
> >       MQSeries
> >       which I'm certain was Release 2.0.
> >
> >       By the by, TCAM
> (TeleCommuncationAccessMethod) wasn't messaging, it
> >       was the
> >       precursor to IMS and CICS, I think.  I
> recall it was in use back in
> >       the
> >       early 1970's.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                            "Heggie, Peter"
> >                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  To:
> >                            NGRID.COM>
>  cc:
> >                            Sent by: MQSeries
>  Subject:  Re: MQ
> >       software
> >       evolution - fill in the gaps?
> >                            List
> >                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >                            n.AC.AT>
> >
> >
> >                            06/10/2003 12:06
> >                            PM
> >                            Please respond to
> >                            MQSeries List
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >       Not really, although I've had that thought.
> I'm trying to see where
> >       the
> >       two (or three) product lines overlap, see
> how that overlap has
> >       changed
> >       and try to estimate what will be left in a
> year or two.
> >
> >       Peter Heggie
> >       (315) 428 - 3193
> >
> >
> >       -----Original Message-----
> >       From: Fryett.Chris
> >       Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 11:20 AM
> >       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       Subject: Re: MQ software evolution - fill in
> the gaps?
> >
> >
> >       Are you trying to show how ridiculous
> companies are getting with
> >       renaming their product line?
> >
> >
> >
> >       -----Original Message-----
> >       From: Heggie, Peter
> >       Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 9:49 AM
> >       To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >       Subject: MQ software evolution - fill in the
> gaps?
> >
> >
> >       Can someone help fill in the gaps or correct
> my note below? I'm
> >       trying
> >       to establish a timeline and show the names
> of the various MQ
> software
> >       names and dates.
> >
> >       MQ: MQM (199? - 199?) -> MQSeries (199? -
> 2001) -> Websphere MQ
> (2001
> >       -
> >       present)
> >
> >       MQSI: MQSI (199? - 2000) -> WMQI (2000 -
> 2002) -> WMQIB (2002 -
> 2003)
> >       ->
> >       WBIMB (2003 - present)
> >
> >       Workflow: ???
> >
> >
> >       MQSI included NEON up until v2.2
> >       Workflow now includes the Crossworlds
> technology? Which is named?
> >       WBIMB
> >       includes WBIEB, or you can get WBIEB
> separately..?
> >
> >       Thanks!
> >
> >       Peter Heggie
> >       National Grid, Syracuse, NY
> >
> >
> >
> >       This e-mail and any files transmitted with
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> >
> >
> >
> > *****
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