
I forgot to say that, with this new reason code, I started to have a new put
application name- instead of CKTI, I have CKBR.



-----Original Message-----
From: Raabe, Stefan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: AW: Still having problems with the CICS bridge

sorry, I typed paolo instead of paulo and
- in addition - the mail had some other old
typing within it related to this problem before
i typed what i wanted to send.

i try again, please ignore the old mail:


check the information in the dead letter queue.

You told us about the reason 266, but you
should check further information from the dlq header.
You may use the MA10 Supportpac (there is a little
dead letter queue handler within it), otherwise
browse the queue and check the bytes with the
MQDLH structure (should be found in the application
programmers reference)

1. what the queue name the message was destigned for?
2. whats the message contents?
3. what is the putapplication name?

with these information it should be possible to find
out what happened.

if the queue is the initiation queue and the message
contents is the request message, then you are putting
to the wrong queue.

if the queue is not the initiation queue but the
putting application is the ckti (cics trigger monitor)
then ckti is listening to the wrong queue.

if it is something else (maybe a ckti in a different cics
system) then you have to figure it out by yourself.
maybe use display qstatus to see who is listening to
the queue you put your requests too.

i put a message to a cics initqueue to show you a sample
output from the dlq handler that comes with the ma10


   DLQName     ,===>,MYQM.DEAD.QUEUE                                 ,
   MsgLen      ,===>,00000197,   CurDepth       ,===>,00000006, (,00000006,)

   StrucId     ,===>,DLH ,       Version        ,===>,+00000001,
   Reason      ,===>,+00000266, ,????                               ,
   DestQ       ,===>,MYCICS00.INITQ                                      ,
   DestQmgr    ,===>,MYQM                                            ,
   Encoding    ,===>,+00000785,  CodedCharSetId ,===>,+00000273,
   Format      ,===>,MQSTR   ,   PutApplType    ,===>,+00000001, ,CICS
   PutApplName ,===>,MYCICS00CKTI                ,
   PutDate     ,===>,20030703,   PutTime        ,===>,09394960,

-------------------------------- Dead Message: -----------------------------

hope this helps.

let us know what you found out.



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