I like Bobbee's hammer analogy. While you may well use a hammer to drive a nail in, or 
to break a window cause you're locked out, you might want a lump-hammer to smash you 
neighbours head in. But you probably wouldn't use a pile-driver for any of the 
afore-mentioned or the hammer to crack an egg. If your requirement is merely to enable 
multiple branches to send information to a central processing application with some 
data transformation maybe you don't need a full function Integration Broker product 
like WMQI or Crossworlds. Maybe something more lightweight (and cheaper). Or are your 
requirements more complex than you suggest ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Broderick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 03 July 2003 12:06
Subject: Re: Any of you , WMQI folks checked out Crossworlds?

We are doing that at my current client. Crossworlds doesn't come into the
picture as the applications have a detailed business laot for timed out
messages from the branch. Crossworlds, and someone can correct me as I have
not gone down that path as of yet, offers adapters both in the physical
sense and metaphysical sense. It can give you SAP adapters and other things
that allow you to plug other vendor pacages into you messaging network
(physical). It also, from the last time I seen the dog-and-pony show, offers
a business continuity schema that allows you to coordinate a "BUSINESS"
transaction. Business transaction, as we all know, can go from the simple
(send a messge and get an imediate reply) or to the complicated where B2B
and B2C colaborations come into effect and the transaction can span time as
well as physical locations, Meta-Physical!! So in your case you would use
WMQI to transform your branch messages to something the legacy systems can
understand and visa-versa. t can also be used to coordinate responses
between different backend systems. Crossworlds can be used to tie into your
CRM (SEIBEL), SAP or ACTA within your infrastructure. Crossworld could
possibly be used to handle the situation where the messag did not get to the
branch in a respectable amount of time and the financial had to be backed

These things are tools. Like a hammer..one day it hits a nail in, another
day it breaks a window cause your locked out and another day you can use it
to smash you neighbors head in because you caught him fooling around with
you wife. You bend and use it for want you want.


>From: eai grp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Any of you , WMQI folks checked out Crossworlds?
>Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2003 12:10:30 -0700
>Hi All,
>Iam looking for a best fit product for an integration which is more like
>multiple branches sending information to a central processing
>applications.All branches run the same software package , different
>instances at each location ,though.
>And they are MQ Enabled.No process automation required , mainly
>Does WMQI score well or Crossworlds??What about Scalability?
>Please Respond
>Thank You
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