
        The System Management Guide for MQSeries v2.2.1 for OpenVMS VAX is still available.  First go to the main MQ library page:


        Next, choose "WebSphere MQ messaging previous platform specific books" from the first pull-down box to go to this URL:


        If you are looking for older versions of the other manuals, choose "WebSphere MQ messaging previous multiplatform books" instead:


        On the very first few pages of each manual in a section entitled "About this book" is a list of releases to which it applies.  For example, the MQSeries Application Programming Guide (publication SC33-0807-09) lists MQSeries for Digital OpenVMS as one of the v2 platforms to which it applies.

        Authorization errors are "normal" in the same sense that MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE is a "normal" error.  MQ just returns a 2035 to the application and takes no further action.  By way of contrast, if MQ failed to authorize a user because of an unexpected error in the product, or because of a problem with the operating system, it would probably write one or more error log messages and FDCs.

        The best way to analyze authorization errors is to enable authorization events on the queue manager using 'ALTER QMGR AUTHOREV(ENABLED)' in runmqsc.  The MQSeries Programmable System Management book (available at the third URL given above) contains a description of authorization events and how to interpret them.  In essence, every 2035 error will generate a message showing who failed authorization and for which object.


       Justin T. Fries
       WebSphere MQ Support
       Raleigh, North Carolina
       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Awerbuch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

07/03/2003 11:58 AM
Please respond to MQSeries List

        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Where are security violations logged on VAX/VMS?


IBM in its infinite wisdom has removed the references to the VMS documentation
for MQSeries in the support section, even though the product is still
supported, but I still need to know ...

I am attempting a client connection to a VAX/VMS MQS QM (Rel 2.2.1).  I have
already changed the MCAUSER() on the SVRCONN channel to be both uppercase
'AWERBUCH' and lowercase 'awerbuch' (my NT4 userid), to no avail.  I am getting
RC=2035 (Not Authorized).  Where on the VAX system is the security violation
logged so that I can see what is being received and is invalid?
BTW, this same connection setup is working fine on a Windows NT4 server, so I
know I coded things corrcetly.

Please CC: your reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] as well; I receive only
digests, but could use the answer sooner than next Monday.

Dave A.

David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries Specialist
APC Consulting Services, Inc.
Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440

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