Interesting thought...but then we're not triggering applications any more and we 
really don't want the native trigger monitor in the fray. The original design amounts 
to an attempt to trigger-start a trigger monitor.  Cannot do.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 7:46 AM
> Subject:      Re: Design Review - custom trigger monitor vs triggered program
> Don,
> Well it's one way for an application to process any number of unknown named
> queues...
>                       "Thomas, Don"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       OM>                      cc:
>                       Sent by: MQSeries        Subject:  Re: Design Review - custom 
> trigger monitor vs triggered program
>                       List
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       n.AC.AT>
>                       07/30/2003 08:43
>                       AM
>                       Please respond to
>                       MQSeries List
> Peter,
>         If program XYZ is going to be continuously running, why wouldn't it
> be designed to simply do a Get with wait or just periodically check the
> queue? I mean triggering is designed to start an application or process, if
> it is already running then triggering is redundant. Instead of trying to
> tell the consultant why he/she shouldn't do it that way, ask him/her why
> they feel the need to essentially waste the resources by triggering an
> application that is already running.
> Don Thomas
> * Phone: +01-412-893-1659
>      Fax: 412-893-1844
> * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heggie, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:17 AM
> Subject: Design Review - custom trigger monitor vs triggered program
> Hello all - would appreciate your responses on this one.
> We have someone who wants to use a custom trigger monitor to both read
> the init queue message and process the application queue message. It
> would be a long running process, on AIX, that waits forever (loops) on
> the init queue. When a message arrives there (trigger message), it
> extracts the queue name from the MQTMC2 and then opens the application
> queue and processes the message. Then it goes back into the loop.
> Setup - A trigger monitor is started at MQ startup time, pointing to a
> specific init queue. The first message coming into the application queue
> triggers normally - MQ writes a trigger message to the init queue and
> the native MQ trigger monitor starts program XYZ according to the
> process definition. The program XYZ is also a trigger monitor, a custom
> trigger monitor.
> Program XYZ has been passed the MQTMC2, so it reads it to get the
> application queue name. It opens the application queue, reads and
> processes the message and closes the application queue. It then goes
> back into a loop where it reads the init queue. Because program XYZ has
> the init queue open, MQ will not invoke another instance of program XYZ.
> Every time another message arrives on the application queue, program XYZ
> will get another trigger message.
> This is not a classic trigger configuration, but are there problems with
> it? The trigger monitor started at MQ startup time is a long running
> process that basically feeds program XYZ trigger messages. Program XYZ
> is also a long running process that monitors the init queue. To shutdown
> the program, you have to treat it the same way as a trigger monitor -
> disable the init queue for Get, but that's not a very bad thing.
> I am used to the simplicity of a trigger monitor that starts an
> application program, that reads application messages until> 
> No-More-Messages, and gets triggered again when needed. That seems more
> efficient, but is it?
> Peter Heggie
> National Grid, Syracuse, NY
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