
Yes, you have to format the pageset. I've done this before and it does

                      Hilde G
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                      OM>                      cc:
                      Sent by:                 Subject: Re: Page set full,             
                      MQSeries List            How to fix?
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                      12/09/2003 01:56
                      Please respond
                      to MQSeries List


Actually this is the first thing I had tried but it
did not work. Maybe the new dataset needed to be
FORMATted as a page set  before the old one was copied
to it???

Thx. Hilde
--- Rick Tsujimoto
> Hilde,
> You should be able to create a larger pageset 3
> (with a different name),
> and copy the old pageset 3 to it.  Then, you could
> have swapped the data
> set names, assuming you wanted to retain the same
> name.  The other thing to
> consider is to use a monitoring product that would
> have raised an alert
> when this situation reached a critical stage, giving
> some time to avert a
> more serious problem.
>                       Hilde G
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]         To:
>                       OM>                      cc:
>                       Sent by:
> Subject: Page set full,
> SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE get inhibited: How to
>                       MQSeries List            fix?
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                       en.AC.AT>
>                       12/09/2003 09:20
>                       AM
>                       Please respond
>                       to MQSeries List
>  OS/390 WMQ 5.3.  I don t have much experience with
> MQ
> in the mainframe (or rather not much experience in
> mainframe in general) .  We had a PSID3 full last
> night. I could not even get into MQ panels (I got RC
> 2192) or issue any commands for the queue manager.
> The
> CHIN/MSTR jobs showed that the future extensions of
> the VSAM dataset will be rejected, and
> SYSTEM.CLUSTER.COMMAND.QUEUE was get inhibited.  I
> recycled the queue manager but it did not come up
> properly (i.e. the problem persisted). I tried
> RESETPAGE to no avail. As I knew that no messages
> were
> coming to QM1, and all the messages  from QM1 to the
> NT servers were datagram, I assumed I would not be
> loosing any messages (hoped there were no messages
> in
> the Cluster xmit queue). So, I  thought I would
> recreate the queue manager (creating the BSDS and
> all
> that) and the objects that I had saved using
> Now thinking back, I know I had taken to drastic an
> approach to resolve the problem. If did this with
> another queue manager I would have lost some
> messages
> (ouch!).I don t think I could have moved records
> from
> page set 3 to the others as suggested by the Admin
> book under  How to balance loads in page sets , as
> the
> system as the I could not even use CSQUTIL to
> display
> a queue.
> What would you do? How should  I have done instead?
> I
> would love to hear from those of you who have more
> experience with this kind of stuff. I need to be
> more
> prepared when this happens in Prod.
> Thank you.
> Hilde
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