Title: Message
yes, I did but I've only just got my test queue manager back. I've just been testing with your sample today and it works fine with MQFMT_IMS !
I'm running your sample on an NT box connecting to a NT queue manager to get to the m/frame queue manager, whereas my attempt was running as a direct client connection to the m/frame. But as I have data conversion on the channel turned off I guess there should be no difference, conversion wise.   
at least I've seen it working now!
many thanks for your help and the sample,
-----Original Message-----
From: Beinert, William [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 05 January 2004 16:01
Subject: Re: MQ IMS Bridge question

MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STR worked for me. Did you get the sample code I sent last week?

Bill Beinert
Systems Programming
Con Edison
(212) 460-4853

When they took the fourth amendment,
   I was quiet because I didn't deal drugs!
When they took the sixth amendment,
   I was quiet because, I was innocent.
When they took the second amendment,
   I was quiet because I didn't own a gun!
Now they've taken the first amendment,
   and I can say (or do) nothing about it.
The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.

-----Original Message-----
From: Moir, Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 6:50 AM
Subject: Re: MQ IMS Bridge question

Hi Martha,
the symptom I get is the message is rejected with a IIH Error as follows...
when I look at the message on the DLQ, the IIH and the user message is garbled (unconverted from the ASCII) which I am assuming is the problem. If I input the from an MVS program with the same IIH set up it works fine! I can also get a message into IMS successfully from my windows client if I use MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STR.
The OTMA side looks fine (I'm really an IMS sys prog by trade so I'm comfortable with the IMS set up just not the MQ programming....which may explain the problem !!)
I'm trying the C program kindly sent by William, unfortunately my test queue manager is broken at the moment (not my fault this time!). However if I use this and send the message into a non-OTMA local queue on another MVS queue manager and look at the message there the IIH and user data is still unconverted, would I expect to see this data converted here or does something magical happen only if it is a OTMA queue ? Doing the same thing with MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STR when I look at the message on the queue its converted there. I'm confused as to when and where conversion happens for MQFMT_IMS. 
many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: Martha M. Mora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 02 January 2004 00:01
Subject: Re: MQ IMS Bridge question

A copy of a message showing what a 100-byte message without an IIH header should look like for IMS transaction PGMXTSCA is attached (used Sun box at the time).  Perhaps placing your existing message in a local queue, displaying it with amqsbcg0 and comparing to the attached could help (adjusting for the message length).  
Few questions - assuming the problem at this time is that a message is being sent to the mainframe and nothing returns.
- What is the actual symptom or error encountered?
- Is the message getting to the mainframe at all?  Does it show up in the DLQ for the mainframe queue manager?
- The bridge (OTMA) should be configured on the mainframe for the MQ and IMS subsystems being utilized.  Has this configuration been verified?  If the IMS command /DIS OTMA is entered on the mainframe, does the MQ member of the OTMA group (representing the MVS queue manager) display "ACCEPT TRAFFIC"
- If the previous reply is yes, it may be necessary to engage a mainframe resource who can issue MQ and IMS commands to work with you while you attempt to recreate the problem.
- If OTMA is configured and the message is getting to the mainframe, are there any CSQxxxxx or other errors on the mainframe side at the time the message attempts to go to the bridge queue? This will determine wether the message was rejected by the bridge and why.
- Is the id being used authorized for the bridge on the mainframe?
- Are there any IMS OTMA exits in place that could be altering the expected bridge behavior?  This is an often overlooked factor that can sometimes create errors that are difficult to debug.
There is a support pack (bridge exerciser) at
- initially made for the mainframe but comments indicate it should run in most platforms - includes directions plus an IIH if you care to use it.
Hope this helps!
Martha M. Mora

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