Title: Message
Hi all,

I'm still struggling with this.....
concerned about this text from the APR ;
"Applications that connect to the queue manager that owns the IMS bridge queue must provide an MQIIH structure that is in the character set and encoding of the queue manager. This is because data conversion of the MQIIH structure is not performed in this case.
Applications that connect to other queue managers can provide an MQIIH structure that is in any of the supported character sets and encodings; conversion of the MQIIH is performed by the receiving message channel agent connected to the queue manager that owns the IMS bridge queue." (..........presumably only if you have data conversion on ???)
Anyhow, my case is the first case as I'm connecting from Windows to a mainframe qmgr as a client. I'm happy enough to keep trying on the basis I'm just doing something wrong or missing something obvious, but this text from the manual suggests its never going to work. Replies on the list server suggest it does.....what does the above text refers to ?
Is anyone actually connecting to the bridge queue owning queue manager as a client from windows and using IIH ? in which case would you care to share the relevant parts of the client app code (the bit that sets the MQIIH and MQMD) with me?
many thanks for all your help,
-----Original Message-----
From: Martha M. Mora [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 24 December 2003 00:49
Subject: Re: MQ IMS Bridge question

Hello Peter,
I agree with Jim and Gary regarding the conversion - adding a couple of comments on the use of the IIH.  Is there a specific reason to include the IIH?  Usually, if there is no need to alter the IMS defaults taken without an IIH, there is no reason to add an IIH. 
The Application Programming Guide (APG) documents the default behaviors when no IIH is utilized.  Usually, (except for any required IIH overrides documented in the Application Programming Reference), the most common reasons that would dictate use of the IIH have been included in a table in the APG covering different combinations of commit modes, message persistance, and t-pipes used by the bridge.  Familiarity with this usage is helpful in determining wether or not to use an IIH, as well as in understanding possible error messages that could surface due to illegal combinations of commit mode, t-pipe type, and persistance.   
Martha M. Mora
IBM WebSphere Innovation Centers
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 7:46 AM
Subject: MQ IMS Bridge question


Just having a play with this for the first time from the MQ side.

I have a simple client app running on Windows that connects to a z/OS queue manager which owns the bridge queue.

If I create & send a message in MQFMT_IMS_VAR_STRING format I believe I do not need an IIH and ASCII/EBCDIC conversion will take place happily assuming I have everything else correct. True ?

If I create & send a message in MQFMT_IMS format and provide a IIH then how does the conversion happen as the manual states it doesn't. There are CCSID & Encoding fields in the IIH but the manual states these are of no use (!). Do I need to use a data conversion exit if I want to use MQFMT_IMS ?

Any assistance much appreciated and a merry Christmas to you all!


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