Title: Any change management tools out their for WMQ objects


We have embarked on a "standardisation" path of queue names across various platforms and unfortunately WebSphere MQ doesn't provide any functionality to RENAME the queue (it would have been handy to have this facility).

I have been told that, only course of action I have is to UNLOAD, DELETE, DEFINE and LOAD for each local queue - preserving triggering information, process details, user-data, appl-data etc.. 

So be it, but are there any change management tools that can make our life easy.

Thanks in advance

Rao Adiraju
MQSeries Specialist
The National Bank of NZ Ltd.
Tel:  +64-4-494 4299
Fax: +64-4-802 8509
Mbl: +64-211-216-116

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