Title: Problems starting config manager for WMQI v2.1


been running the config. manager for a few days now without problems. Today I had occasion to stop it.

When I restarted it I got…. "Missing or blank message repository database name"

Checked windows registry and then relevant entry is correctly filled out.

So I stopped it again and deleted it.

Then I created it again with command….

        mqsicreateconfigmgr -I mqsiuid -a mqsipw -q CM_QMGR -n MQSICMDB -m MQSIRMDB

Created ok, no errors.

Start the config manager and I get the same error…….."Missing or blank message repository database name"

But the entry in the registry after the create is fine - shows MQSIRMDB. DB and tables also check out in DB2.

Tried this a few times now, no joy. Any ideas?


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