Actually Sid, you just released it.  :-0

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: BlockIP logic incorrect ??

G'Day Jxrgen,

Well I went a bit overboard with the additional functionality and after
studying your code I decided to do a complete re-write... I figured you
would be pissed at me so I have not yet released it but essentially I split
out all the code into a modular form so that the main block of logic is no
longer a big bloatted mess.

I have also made a fundamental change to the logic of the exit so that it
denied everything and if criterior failed it exited with the SUPPRESS flag
already set. So if you pass everything that needs to be done then you set OK
as the LAST step.

The original code did a lot of duplication in checking and was not very
modular so when I tried to add the logging functionality I needed I found it
very difficult with the original structure.

Basically each group of checks now has it's own method/function call. So
there is Pattern checking, CON= checking (you already had that one in a
function), SSL checking, UserId, MqmUsers ids and a method to process the
file and a method to process an array of options (which means the options
could be in a file or in the exit data field.

It is now easier to add additional options and the code to handle them. the
code is not yet finished but I have attached todays effort, if you don't
want it thats fine, I'll keep it in house for my own use.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jxrgen Pedersen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 25 March 2004 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: BlockIP logic incorrect ??

Hi, Sid & Co.

I'll look into it, but it should, match up both conname and userid before
accepting the connection and allow evt. the change of MCAUSER.

Have you a debug sysprint (with the -d; option), pls. send for

Kind regards

the author of BlockIP

>Reply-To: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: BlockIP logic incorrect ??
>Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 10:31:16 +1000
>G'Day all,
>Has anyone tested the CON= commands in the latest version of BlockIP2.c ??
>I get odd results when the host IP I am on is different to the pattern to
>match on, it seams that the user id is matched but the IP is ignored... not
>quite what I would have expected which is if the IP matchs AND the user
>matchs then set the MCA to <new_user_id>
>Any thoughts anyone ??
>Sid Young
>QML Pathology

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