Am Mo, den 26.04.2004 schrieb David Awerbuch um 23:44:
> An update.
> I disabled the OAM as Ken suggested, and that has solved the problem, so I now
> know it is security related.
> So this still begs the question:  how on VMS do I find out what the security
> violation is?
> >
> > Gunther Jeschawitz wrote:
> > > On UNIX systems, you have to be a member of the group mqm to start runmqsc.
> > > You don't need any other authority.
> > >
> > > Maybe it's the same on OpenVMS.
> >

On UNIX systems, maybe also  on VMS, the pemission of runmqsc is:
 -r-sr-s---  1 mqm mqm 9380 11. Feb 23:11 /opt/mqm/bin/runmqsc

In the result:
runmqsc works with the effectiv userid mqm, irrespective of the real
On MQ-objects mqm needs the rights, but mqm should have all rights on
all objects.


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