Title: MQ Version 5.3.1 and SSL
It does not matter that that parameter is set to Y, unless you typed something in SSLCIPH.
From the MQSC Manual :


If the SSLCIPH parameter is blank, no attempt is made to use SSL on the channel.


The parameter is used only for channels with SSLCIPH specified. If SSLCIPH is blank, the data is ignored and no error message is issued.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yeske, Judy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 2:40 PM
Subject: MQ Version 5.3.1 and SSL

Hello and Happy Friday,

Today I upgraded to Websphere MQ for z/OS Version 5.3.1 (was at Version 2.1).  I noticed that my RECEIVER Channels have SSL certificate required set to Y.  As of now, we are not planning on using SSL.      Question - what did I do for this to be set to Y ?    Was it because I defined SYSTEM.DEFAULT.AUTHINFO.CRLLDAP  ?  

I'm getting message:
GLD0128A The SSL certificate sent by the client or the server
certificate in TSOJKEY2 is not valid.                     

I need to have an understanding as to what I did with my install to cause this to happen. 

Appreciate your help !

Judy Yeske

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