Title: RE: Link for R/3 v1.2 on WMQ R530

Hi Kerry,

We use SAP R3Link v1.2 on an AIX platform on MQ v5.2 (CSD4). The current installation has been running for a couple of years now without any problems. We have 2 outbound servers running for each SAP processor ( currently have 14 outbound servers running ).

The open count on the R3LINK_OUT.TRANS queue is equal to the number of R3Link servers running.
The Transmition queues however show the same symptoms as in your case. (eg The open output count on one of them is 517 although there are only about 80 remote queues). The maximum open handles setting on the queue manager is 256, but we have never had any errors like you have (and as I said, its been running for a couple of years now). The remote queue names' lengths are not all the same. Although I was initially concerned about this, it was working perfectly and I therefore did not do anything about it.

We also do not ever stop/restart the servers - we have a restart script to ensure they are restarted if there was an SAP communication error that caused any of the servers to end.

Hope this helps!



-----Original Message-----
From: Kerry Swemmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 June 2004 01:08
Subject: Link for R/3 v1.2 on WMQ R530

Hi All,

I would like to ask a favour of those with SAPLink v1.2 running with MQ v5.3

We have a problem where outbound SAPLink servers are falling over
intermittently with MQ reason code 2017, MaxHandles reached.

We are running 2 outbound servers and I can see the open output counts on
the XMITQ's continuously increasing during the day to numbers way above
double the number of remote queue definitions on the qmgr. Looking at the
output of an SMQ trace I suspect that SAPLink is not initialising the target
queue name correctly and therefore opening queues that are already open,
eventually reaching MaxHandles.

I have tried logging a call with IBM but they refuse to help us because we
(our customer) are on the "EOS" version 5.2 of MQ. They won't even try
recreating the problem using WMQ R530 while we go through the lengthy
process of getting MQ upgraded. I eventually asked them a question specific
to the behaviour of SAPLink in the SMQ trace, also to no avail. All this on
a "supported" version of MQSeries Link for R/3.

The platform we are having the problem on is Sun Solaris, but I can see the
same symptom on our other SAP platform, HP_UX, but those SAPLink servers get
bounced every morning and don't use as many remote queues.

So, firstly, has anybody come across the same problem before. Secondly,
would those of you running SAPlink on MQ5.3 please have a look at your open
output counts on your XMITQ's, try correlate this with your number of
outbound servers and remote queues and let me know what you find. If all
your remote queue names are the same length, and my theory is correct, you
will not have this problem.

Much appreciated.


Kerry Swemmer
T-Systems South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Database Administrator
Computing and Desktop Services
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