Title: Message
Well put. I would just argue that the incremental cost of programming a reliable message sequence is usually too small to worry about.  The biggest expense is the time wasted trying to convince someone it's important.  So, if you're in a position to introduce best practices when nobody's looking, I'd go for it. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Wes Poteet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 3:22 PM
Subject: Fw: Message Sequence Problem

The list of the requirements for sequential processing does exist and is the final word.  If any of the restrictions are not met then IBM does not guarantee (assure?) that messages will be received in the same sequence as they were sent.  In general, if a network is involved, the requirements are not met (though there are special circumstances when, even with a network, they are met). There is anecdotal evidence out there that, when in that unguaranteed state, the likelihood of having the sequence changed is definitely nonzero (people have demonstrated that it does happen) but is very small.  The rule of thumb I use is that if the sequence of the messages is crucial to the business application then the application must incorporate code to ensure the messages are ordered appropriately.  It is an appropriate topic for discussing cost/benefit: just how critical is having one message out of sequence out of 'n' messages?  More than one design team has concluded that a rare error, probably corrected manually, was more acceptable than the cost and processing overhead of ensuring every message was in order.

Wes Poteet -- IBM Global Services -- WMQ Support
IBM Certified Specialist - MQSeries; Solutions Expert - MQSeries; Developer - MQSeries

Wes Poteet/Boulder/IBM 877-513-1981 (t/l 273-1135)  Bassett, NE  [[Central Time]]
"Wesiderata" on  BlueNet -- see w3.irc.ibm.com -- rooms #MQSeries and #WesPoteet
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" for e-mail and SameTime   "WesPoteet" on AOL IM,  Yahoo IM, or MSN IM

Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong.  All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure."
           -- H. L. Mencken

----- Forwarded by Wes Poteet/Boulder/IBM on 2004-11-10 05:08 PM -----
Rick Tsujimoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2004-11-10 03:17 PM

Please respond to
MQSeries List

Re: Message Sequence Problem

The DQM has a small list of requirements that pertain to sequential retrieval of messages.  If you followed them, you should have no problems.  I have an ftp-like application and never had an issue with message order.  Of course, there are those who advocate using msgid/correlid, but that shouldn't be necessary as long as the requirements stated in the DQM are met.

Sent by: MQSeries List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

11/10/2004 03:37 PM

Please respond to

Message Sequence Problem

The messages being processed are not in order when they are processed from
the MVS local queue, but processing the same request through a local queue
on the Unix box, the messages
are processed in order.

What are the rules for processing of message in order?  Seems like all the
same Priority would process FIFO. Can we guarentee the order of the message
to be got same as they were put ?

MVS view of 416345 Local Queue
All 153 bytes except the * record which is 9 bytes,
all messages Priority 1 with persistence
Transmit queue MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY), Local Unix queue MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)
MVS Local queue Message delivery sequence FIFO

The first list is a local queue on MVS which is remote to the putting
00416345RECC     000003CMPL
00416345RECC     000002ARRV
00416345RECC     000002ENRT
00416345RECC     000002DISP                    2004110811590220041108122551
00416345RECC     000002ASSN                    20041108115902
00416345RECC     000001UNAS

This second view is a local queue on Unix of the same put process as above.
Unix view of 416345

9  00416345RECC CMPL000003CMPL '
10 00416345RECC  000003CMPL
11 00416345RECC 000002ARRV
12 00416345RECC 000002ENRT
13 00416345RECC 000002DISP
14 00416345RECC 000002ASSN
15 00416345RECC 000001UNAS
16 00416345*

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