Try very very hard to get rid of message affinity wherever possible. Makes
scaling up much easier.

If you can't then Dennis's method is as good as any. If using clustering
your putting app will need to use MQOO_BIND_ON_OPEN to avoid messages in a
given batch going to different queue managers.

Also beware of Priority and MQGET's when using browsing.

Tim A

-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Dennis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 11 November 2004 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Message Sequence Problem

Message order can be preserved by following certain conditions, most
which are detailed in the various programming guides. Any designs
depending on those conditions, however, have potential to break if those
conditions change, either within your enterprise or in a future product
release.  Down the road, who will remember that some application
developed 5 years ago may go south if another channel is added between
two qmgrs or workload increases and two programs are needed to send
messages. On the otherhand, it's trivial to use logical message groups
or a msgid/correlid mechanism to unconditionally preserve message order.
Take the time now and save problems later.

A simple and elegant method is:
        On put, let MQ generate unique msgid's
        On first message of sequence, put a special value in correlid
        On each message after the first, put msgid of the previous
message in the correlid
        Send trailer message to indicate no more messages in the
        On first get, retrieve first message with special value in
        On subsequent gets, use msgid from previous msg to selectively
retrieve next message
        Continue until trailer message is encountered


-----Original Message-----
From: Wesley Shaw [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 12:38 PM
Subject: Message Sequence Problem

The messages being processed are not in order when they are processed
from the MVS local queue, but processing the same request through a
local queue on the Unix box, the messages are processed in order.

What are the rules for processing of message in order?  Seems like all
the same Priority would process FIFO. Can we guarentee the order of the
message to be got same as they were put ?

MVS view of 416345 Local Queue
All 153 bytes except the * record which is 9 bytes,
all messages Priority 1 with persistence
Transmit queue MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY), Local Unix queue MSGDLVSQ(PRIORITY)
MVS Local queue Message delivery sequence FIFO

The first list is a local queue on MVS which is remote to the putting
application. 00416345RECC,CMPL000003CMPL
00416345RECC     000003CMPL
00416345RECC     000002ARRV
00416345RECC     000002ENRT
00416345RECC     000002DISP
00416345RECC     000002ASSN                    20041108115902
00416345RECC     000001UNAS

This second view is a local queue on Unix of the same put process as
above. Unix view of 416345

9  00416345RECC CMPL000003CMPL '
10 00416345RECC  000003CMPL
11 00416345RECC 000002ARRV
12 00416345RECC 000002ENRT
13 00416345RECC 000002DISP
14 00416345RECC 000002ASSN
15 00416345RECC 000001UNAS
16 00416345*

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