
We released MuseScore 2.0.1 a couple of weeks ago. Apparently users were
delighted to have a bugfix release after MuseScore 2.0. Since then, we
already have several bug fixes and even some new features. The initial plan
was to wait for 2.1 somewhere in the fall and not make more bugfix release
but somehow it's easier than expected to maintain the master branch and a
release branch. It might delay 2.1 a bit but at least users get small
updates faster.

So I would like to propose the following.

1 - Create a 2.0.2 branch based on the (badly named) 2.0 branch
https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/tree/2.0. We used this branch for
2.0.1 release in fact.

2- Cherry pick as many bugfixes and features we can with two goals: bring
value to users and avoid regressions and format incompatibilies.
Development would still happen on master for 2.1. Cherry picking can
include freetype and Jim Newton's work on midi rendering.

3- Switch nightly builds to use this 2.0.2 branch in order to test the next

4- Switch on the translation workflow again on the 2.0.2 branch. It means
2.0 and 2.0.1 will not receive any translation updates anymore and only
2.0.2 would get the new translations. For this reason, I would wait a
couple of weeks before doing so. We could investigate a way to only add
strings to transifex and then upload translations for both version... but
it might be overkill.

I would like to target end of June, beginning of July for MuseScore 2.0.2

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