Let me add that even sighted mouse addicts will appreciate a palette that
can be filtered. The advanced palette has several 100 symbols and even in
the basic palette, there are over 100 symbols. A lot of users have hard
time to locate specific symbols.


2016-03-17 19:07 GMT+04:00 Marc Sabatella <m...@outsideshore.com>:

> Thanks for your interest in this project.  Do you have ideas on how this
> system you mention might work?  The main thing thst is not currently
> keybaord-acciessible now are the palettes.  One idea lasconic had was to
> make these searchable much liek the Symbols dialog (press "Z" to display)
> or the Instrument list (press "I") is, or for that matter the shortcut
> definition dialog in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts.  So you could type the
> first couple of letters of the name of the palette item you want and the
> palettes would be filtered to show only elements whose names start those
> letter, and then you could navigate the resulting list with up/down keys
> and hit Enter to apply.  This much would probably actually be pretty easy
> to add.  But I think we need more than this - I think we need the ability
> to create regular user-assignable shortcuts as well, so if there are
> certain symbols you use a lot, you can apply them more directly.  I could
> imagine each palette cell having an optional "shortcut" property that let
> you assign shortcuts to any element you wanted.  Probably in reality there
> would be a single underlying command "apply palette element" that the
> shortcut system would use to apply the selected palette element, something
> like that.
> There is also existing experimental code from another GSoC student who
> worked on this two years ago to make the palettes traversable by keyboard,
> and when I tested this code, it did seem to work pretty well.  it is not
> merged yet so you'd need to get his branch and build it, we can discuss
> this here or on IRC.
> Another problem to tackle is score navigation.  The student I mentioned
> above implemented a lot and that was merged and is in 2.0.2 already, but we
> still don't have a way to select anything but notes, key and time
> signatures, clefs, and barlines.  That is, you can't use the keybaord to
> navigate to a text element or an articulation or a crescendo marking.  We
> need a new command that will navigate through these.
> Braille output would be ncie, but simply exporting to MusicXML then
> converting using FreeDots is already possible to do by hand.  I think a
> more interesting integration with MuseScore might be to output the current
> selection to a Braille output device (physical devices with raised pins you
> can touch that respond in real time) so that as you navigate the score, the
> Braille device tells you want you are looking at.  This would be more
> efficient for many users than what we currently do, which is output a text
> decription to the status ine for a screenreader to read.
> There are a few other user interface issues to sort out - shortcuts to
> move the focus from one window to the next (eg, from score to toolbar to
> inspector to selection filter).
> Realistically, doing all of this in one summer is probably not feasiable,
> but these are ideas to cnsider.  i think keybaord control for palettes is
> especially high priority though, as it will also benefit sighted users
> (especially if we allow the assigning of shortcuts).
> Marc
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 8:43 AM WASam <samadhipoornima...@cse.mrt.ac.lk>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have already introduced myself, and I am interested in the GSoC project
>> idea, Accessibility.
>> In this project, I am planning to implement a keyboard based interface on
>> top of the museScore system. I thought of having a one-to-one mapping of
>> required events to key combinations without overlapping any existing
>> keyboard shortcuts. I am currently researching on it and any feedback or
>> guidance will be highly appreciated.
>> As per the “creating Braille music output” I am planning to use a tool
>> like
>> FreeDots to  convert from MusicXML to Braille music.
>> Regards,
>> Samadhi.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://dev-list.musescore.org/GSoC-project-idea-Accessibility-tp7579691.html
>> Sent from the MuseScore Developer mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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