Oh well, MY FAULT! 

Cleaning more accurately before switching between versions of the MuseScore
sources DOES WORK! 

(After almost a year of working only in Java, it is surprising how one
looses familiarity with details and how much hodgy-podgy C++ dev would

Incidentally about cleaning, I followed the Qt Creator Method 2 described 
here in the developer handbook
and the "make uninstalldebug" clean step results in the following error(s):

Starting: "/usr/bin/make" uninstalldebug
cd build.debug \
        && xargs rm < install_manifest.txt \
        && if [ "TRUE" = "TRUE" ]; then \
             update-mime-database ""/usr/local"/share/mime"; \
             gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t ""/usr/local"/share/icons/hicolor"; \
           fi \
        && xargs ../build/rm-empty-dirs < install_manifest.txt \
        && rm install_manifest.txt
Directory '/usr/local/share/mime/packages' does not exist!
gtk-update-icon-cache: Failed to open file
/usr/local/share/icons/hicolor/.icon-theme.cache : No such file or directory
make: *** [uninstalldebug] Error 1

I resorted to disabling this clean step and using "make clean" only.

Lastly, which is the make argument to turn off PulseAudio support?

Simply using "BUILD_PULSEAUDIO=OFF" does not go through. I tried
"-DBUILD_PULSEAUDIO=OFF" and, of course, it raises an error ("/usr/bin/make:
invalid option -- 'D'").

Short of editing CMakeLists.txt, which would be detected by git, I am
resorting to manually modifying the build-debug/CMakeCache.txt file created
after the first compilation attempt fails (and, no, no way I turn back on
that PulseAudio evil on my machine...).

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