Mingw, QtCreator. As far as I know MSCV++ is not possible (but it would be 
great if it were!)

-----Original Message-----
From: Tommaso Cucinotta [mailto:tommaso.cucino...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2018 7:45 PM
To: Joachim Schmitz <j...@schmitz-digital.de>; 
Subject: Re: AW: Re: [Mscore-developer] win32 - excluding jack, pulse, etc.

On 01/04/2018 12:05, Joachim Schmitz wrote:
> Compiling master worked for me the other day.

are you using mingw, or MSVC++ ?

I made another try today double-checking all steps, I seem to have everything 
properly in place, but the compiled MuseScore.exe refuses to run.

I also tried to compile with cygwin and the standard Makefile I use under Linux 
(in the root MuseScore sources folder), but I had to fix a tiny issue due to 
some "Program Files..." and "Program Files (x86)" pathnames (e.g., JDK :-) ), 
as per attached patch, otherwise it wasn't even starting (anyway, I removed 
those from my PATH just to be sure during my further tries today). And, anyway, 
it fails to find Qt5 and any library installed within the mingw32* folder(s) 
from the
C:\Qt5 ..... (made several tries, used /cygdrive/c/Qt/... pathnames, setting 
the env var QT_INSTALL_PREFIX, etc... just nothing seems to work here!)

FYI, I'm just struggling to compile and run the piano-tutor-win32 branch I just 
sketched out for the 
PianoTutor+Arduino+LEDs toy


as I've got a few ones asking about availability of the patch on this weird 
platform ;-P...


> ---- Tommaso Cucinotta schrieb ----
> forgot to add: I'm on master, is it known to have issues on Win ?
> T.
> On 01/04/2018 11:46, Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
>  > On 01/04/2018 09:24, Joachim Schmitz wrote:
>  >> Did you follow all the steps that are outlined in the developers' 
> handbook, the part for Windows? You need to install  >> jack, and none 
> of libvorbis, libogg, portaudio or lame need to get compiled, and all those 
> are available directly from  >> the handbook.
>  >
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > yes, I'm following that guide
>  >
>  >    
> https://musescore.org/en/handbook/developers-handbook/compilation/comp
> ile-instructions-windows-mingw-git
>  >
>  > but it is turning quite cumbersome: on Linux I can do "apt-get 
> build-dep MuseScore" and I'm ready to compile (ok,  > almost), but 
> here it's becoming a hell, consider I've just set-up a C/C++ compilation 
> environment on Windows 10 from  > scratch.
>  >
>  > As an example of things I'm not getting:
>  >
>  > 1) compilation with QtCreator, guess supposed to be the easy way, 
> doesn't work: I launch QtCreator, follow the steps,  > "open 
> file/project" the CMakeLists.txt from the root MuseScore sources 
> folder, then the menu' voice Build is NOT active;  > if I select the 
> menu' voice "Run CMake", then nothing happens :(! No error messages 
> whatsoever, just nothing! Yes, I  > have installed CMake as from your 
> MuseScore compilation on Windows Handbook web page  >  > 2) in the 
> mingw32 command-line compilation way, I'm getting always this error 
> about "Cannot find an entry point  > _Z9qt_assertPKcS0_i within the dynamic 
> library C:\HigHub\MuseScore\build.debug\manual\genManual.exe"; for now, I'm 
> just  > working around that by letting make keep going (-k), but I'm not sure 
> it's a blocking problem. For what it matters, I  > don't care about building 
> any manual!
>  >
>  > 3) I just installed Jack (binaries), as you said, and I've got to 
> the end of the MuseScore.exe compilation (albeit, the  > genManual.exe 
> error is always there). However, when I launch this 
> build.debug\mscore\MuseScore.exe, I get "Impossible to  > start correctly the 
> application (0xc0000022). Click OK to close the application."
>  >
>  > Any clue ?
>  >
>  > Thanks again,
>  >
>  >      T.
> --
> Tommaso Cucinotta
> Home Page: http://retis.sssup.it/~tommaso
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tommasocucinotta
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Tommaso Cucinotta
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