On 24/11/18 07:47, Ayomide Awe wrote:
Hello there Tommaso,


How does this track the sound yiuade,

it is for a digital piano or keyboard, with MIDI output, namely, the instrument is transmitting to the PC/laptop via MIDI the notes that are played by the user, no sound processing is involved at the moment. Just in case, a MIDI connector is something like this

MIDI connectors and a MIDI cable (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI)

however, nowadays keyboards and digital pianos have directly a USB cable.

Therefore, as to your other question below about background noise, if there's any background noise the system is totally unaffected -- it doesn't work by "hearing" sound, it works by reading what notes have been pressed directly from the instrument via MIDI.

As a consequence, with a classical acoustic piano with no electronics, you can still use the Piano Tutor to visually highlight what keys to press with the LEDs+Arduino, but the feedback feature ("wait for user" before moving on in the playback) cannot work as it is.

However, my interest into a "sound to midi" conversion (eg, letting Piano Tutor "hear" the notes from the PC microphone) pops up from time to time, as you can see eg from:


with some more time, this might become usable, but at the moment it's not very 
precise in the recognition

and does it only work for piano or can it work for violin (like piano key sounds or frequency is what it hears and analyzes)?

I have in my TODOs to build a fancy guitar where I would reuse these MuseScore modifications and replicate the learning system pretty much similarly to what I did for my digital piano, however that needs more time and more advanced hardware -- for example, if you might use an expensive MIDI pick-up, and solve at least the problem of understanding from the PC what notes the user is playing -- but, also how to lay down LEDs on a guitar finger-board becomes a challenge here, due to the peculiarity of the instrument -- piano was far easier.

Hope this helps, and thanks for your interest in the project!


Tommaso Cucinotta
Home Page: http://retis.sssup.it/~tommaso
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tommasocucinotta

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