Hello, MuseScore Developers:

I am emailing you all interested in contributing to this project that I've
used for many years now. I'm a Music major and a Computer Science major, so
I feel like I'm in the perfect position to give back.

One idea for a contribution that I had to this project would be to
implement an easy-to-use non-standard trill. Oftentimes in music notation,
you want a trill to go between two notes that aren't a half-step or
whole-step between each other. In this case, I've often seen a small note
in parentheses to indicate the 2nd note of the trill. I know there's a way
to imitate the courtesy notes here:


But I think it would be useful to have a more user-friendly way to do it,
and to perhaps have that trill reflected in the midi playback.

If this is a reasonable and useful contribution, let me know. Otherwise,
perhaps you all have some ideas for a different contribution.

Matthew D'Alonzo
Mscore-developer mailing list

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