Thanks, I made a program which copies the PTY output to a file:

minoshi, can you run
ptytee --command="pacman -Sw acl" --file=test.txt
and send the result?


no result.

[root@server Новый]# LANG=en_US.utf8 ./ptytee --command="pacman -Sw acl" --file=test.txtresolving dependencies...

Targets (1): acl-2.2.51-1

Total Download Size:    0.13 MB

Proceed with download? [Y/n] y

And program stop here. As I understand, ptytee can`t send answer to process.
I add option --noconfirm to command line and got that :

[root@server tee]# LANG=en_US.utf8 ./ptytee --command="pacman -S --noconfirm acl" --file=test.txt
warning: acl-2.2.51-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets (1): acl-2.2.51-1

Total Download Size:    0.13 MB
Total Installed Size:   0.59 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages from core...
downloading acl-2.2.51-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz...
[root@server tee]#

the test file:

warning: acl-2.2.51-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...

Targets (1): acl-2.2.51-1

Total Download Size:    0.13 MB
Total Installed Size:   0.59 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages from core...
downloading acl-2.2.51-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz...

Alexandre Minoshi
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