On 17 March 2012 02:21, Sieghard  wrote:
> So this is a copy then, and if I've verfied it is correct, I can delete the
> original?

Yes, it's a copy - a locally git manager repository. Your SubVersion
repository is untouched, and still works as normal.

>> Now you have a git repository on your machine that can push changes
>> back to a SubVersion repository. You can now get all the benefits of
> I thought I should _change_ to git, not use git as a(nother) frontend to
> svn?

My recommendation to use 'git svn' is ONLY to give you a chance to
REVIEW git. It was not meant as a permanent solution. Use 'git svn'
for a couple of weeks to decide if you like it. Git will happily push
(commit) changes to you existing SubVersion repository. So other users
of your SubVersion repository will not even know you are using git.
This is a very nice way to test git and see if you like it or not -
before actually converting any SubVersion repositories permanently to
git repositories.

>> make an immediate decision if you want to switch to Git or not.
> Ah, I see - you want me to do the work twice for some time.

No, there is NO double work. 'git svn' will communicate
(checkout/commit) changes to/from your SubVersion repository.

    git svn dcommit

This will push your local commits (commits that were only in your
local git repository) to the remote SubVersion repository.

To fetch new changes from your SubVersion repository:

   git svn rebase

For further help run:

   git help svn

> I hope git has man pages or such (svn has), not just web resident
> documentation as so many things these days...

Yes, git comes standard with man pages (under *nix/Linux) and with
HTML pages under Windows (because windows obvious can't display man

To get help, the command is simple:

   git help <command>


   git help svn

   git help git

   git help commit

   git help push


  - Graeme -

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