Am 20.03.2012 11:45, schrieb Ivanko B:
> If you are on windows you probably must copy the SSH keys into .ssh of the SSH
> installation home directory
> ===============
> "GIT CLONE" complains that it can't create "/.ssh/" within
> "/C/Documents and Settings/МУ_NAME_IN_RUSSIAN/". Me even created thsi
> directory by myself&  put into it known_host&  both private&  public
> keys. No sucess - it seems that OPENSSL dislikes long names with
> spaces&  non-latin chars. Is it possible to fix this problem ? Such a
> waste of time :(
I copied the keys to "E:\Programme\Git\.ssh"

> or setup the environment that SSH finds the keys
> in<yourhome>\<appdata>\.ssh.
> ===============
> Which variable ?
Probably "E:\Programme\Git\.ssh\config"-"IdentityFile". Hmm for me this 
entry is the automatically created
IdentityFile "/C/Dokumente und Einstellungen/mseca/.ssh/id_rsa
Missing end quote! Possibly the reason of the problems?


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