Multithreading is based on interleaved processing, while multiprocessing
means truely parallel actions.
Not 100% correct - depends on hardware implementation. Multithreading
means the ability to achieve parallelism within a single app -
HyperThreading P4 CPUs (predecessors of DualCore ones) provide
hardware support for that (HT CPU have approx two times more
transistors than non-HT and much more expensive ) so that to run a
thread per CPU as ideal case.
Multiprocessing means the ability to run a process or/and a thread of
process per CPU as ideal.
But anyway, GPUs are much-much-more more parallelism-in-mind than CPUs.

2012/4/8, Sieghard <>:
> Hallo Martin,
> Du schriebst am Sat, 07 Apr 2012 18:22:11 +0100:
>> I wonder what is the benefit of massive multithreading if we should not
> There's reason to wonder - massive parallelism is a key feature of
> biological systems, for instance.
>> use the necessary synchronization operations because they are too
>> costly. ;-)
> It's not neccessarily - but that's still a very active research field.
>> Have a look into FPC RTL how many "if multithread then" exist before
>> calling an interlocked operation.
> They shouldn't _check_, but _presume_ multithreading - which is still a far
> cry from multi_processing_.
> Multithreading is based on interleaved processing, while multiprocessing
> means truely parallel actions. With the former, you can be sure that
> reading or storing a register-sized variable will never be disturbed.
> That's no longer the case with multiprocessing, as several such operation
> can occur at the same time.
> Now to the interlocking - that's neccessary simply because our machines
> have to few resources. The processors have to share many things, most
> notably the memory. If they hadn't to share, there would be much less
> synchronisation needs, and parallelism would live up a lot.
> But, as mmentioned above, that's still a very active research field.
> --
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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