Am 26.07.2012 11:56, schrieb Ivanko B:
> Looks OK for me. sleep() must run in worker thread,
> ==========
> Why ? The purpose of this command in the project is to delay exiting
> the whole program for a while after finishing all threads so that user
> can see the results.
Calling sleep() in main thread freezes GUI.

> showmessage() in main
>   thread because of Windows restriction.
> ==========
> But changing lblFinStatus.*" etc in ThreadCiomp.OnTerminated(running
> in main thread)  doesn't redraw the affected widgets, is it as
> designed ?

Possibly because of sleep()? Use a timer instead or sleep()in worker thread.

 > Acc to the program logic, it should display the final
> statistics&  results.
> PS:
> Me still can't get threading clearly :) A can of worms :)
It needs a consequent design, tinkering is not sufficient. Suggestion: 
take a break and try to gain an overview of the relationships.


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