Hallo Ivanko,

Du schriebst am Sat, 11 Aug 2012 16:23:48 +0500:

> Hmm.If the current state beaks automation of the building process then
> we definitely need to fix it. Does it break ?

It does - but for another reason, that reason being the strictly
interactive nature of msei18n. For complete automation, it ought to have
some command line control aswell.

Alexej's problems seem to stem from the fact that he works on a (very)
special case: he wants to modify a library of the currently running
process, that even runs a "system" executable, i.e. one that's available to
all users, possibly installed in a system directory and owned by root.
You do have experience in modifying the IDE as a user -
I guess you should educate him a bit on the intricasies of such a setting.

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