On Wednesday 03 October 2012 00:30:36 Patrick Goupell wrote:
> >> No problmes during program execution.  But when I clicked on my programs
> >> "File->Exit" and tried to issue the "close" command I got a pop up
> >> messages saying "Value is required".
> >
> > That is the purpose of oe_notnull, to force the entry of a value.
> > Please use
> > "
> >   window.modalresult:= mr_cancel;
> > "
> > instead of close() if you don't need entered values.
> This is my main form that is issuing the close command.  That is what
> the user would do to exit the program.
> The form is activated from the application.run command of the main
> project file.
> So this could be a good one to figure out.
> My tdatetime edits have a valid value of "00:00:00" or 12:00:00 am"
> (midnight).
> As I navigate from tab page to tab page, component to component nothing
> happens, there are no complaintes of null data.
Correct, because it is still possible to go back and entering the oe_notnull 

> When I try to exit my program by clicking the programs "File->Exit" menu
> option and execute the form "close" command the "Value is required"
> message pops up.
Correct, because now it would not be possible to enter the oe_notnull values.

> This happens either with my "close" command or if I click the upper
> right corner close button (the X).
Correct, they do the same.

> So this must be happening during the component "destroy" (I guess)
> because it does not happen at any other time.
> I created a test program with a form, tab widget, tab page, datetime
> edit, integer edit, string edit (so I could  tab from edit to edit).  I
> set the tdatetime edit optionsedit.oe_notnull = true.
> When I click on the close (in the upper right corner) it closed without
> giving the "Value is required" message.
It does for me if the tdatetime value is empty. Can you send your testcase?


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