On Saturday 09 March 2013 14:16:25 Patrick Goupell wrote:
> On 03/09/2013 01:47 AM, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> > The MSEgui grids reset the cell selection by changing the focused cell,
> > I'll add an option to inhibit that behaviour. Either right click into the
> > currently focused cell or activate co_leftbuttonfocusonly.
> >
> > Activate co_cancopy/co_canpaste.
> I have done as you suggested.
> While the selected cells stay selected now when clicking in the focused
> cell, nothing pastes into the selected cells.
> If I click to a single cell so only it is selected then it does paste
> from the clipboard.
Works for me. The shortcut for copy cells is Ctrl+Shift+C, for paste 
Ctrl+Shift+V. For pasting the format must match, columns are separated by 
Tab, rows by Linefeed. In order to insert rows optionsgrid og_rowinserting 
must be activated too.


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