On 2013-04-17 18:46, Ivanko B wrote:
> AFAIK, it still needs B(ytes)O(rder)M(arker) - for proper placing 2+
> bytes of characters.

No it doesn't! The BOM in UTF-8 is just to indicate that the text is
UTF-8, and not some other encoding. All that the BOM marker is used for
is to tell editors that the text is encoded in UTF-8, nothing to do with

UTF-16 and UTF-32 needs the BOM marker, because both of these can use BE
or LE.


I recommend you read the whole page though.

> But not for string manipulations & drawing, sure too.

String manimulation is normally carried out in a front-to-back order.
Iterating oven code points in such a way with UTF-8 encoded text is fast.

Just remember that not all Unicode implementations are equally good. If
you write sloppy code, it will be slow, no matter what Unicode encoding
is used.

  - Graeme -

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