On 11/13/2013 09:33 PM, Sieghard wrote:
> You could also decide to make "pos" take a return variable parameter 
> for the position, as this would nearly always be neccessary. Its 
> return value would then be a boolean, indicating whether the substring 
> was found. You might provide an overloaded version without the return 
> variable paramter for the rare case where you just want to check for 
> _presence_, but are not interested in the _position_ itself. And 
> maybe, an overloaded version also for compatibility that returns an 
> ordinalized boolean result (for uses as shown above). 

(1) because the position does not have a "traditionally usable" value 
with UTF-16 (or UTF-8), the meaning of pos() is not really what it used 
to be as it was invented for ANSI
(2) doing a version that causes a compiler error is less problematic 
when porting legacy code

(1) if the position is needed, you need to introduce a variable and 
(alas) Martin declined to allow for intermediate variables within the 
function body
(2) you can't do (sensible) constructs like str1 := copy (str2, 
pos(str3, str2) + length(str2), 10);


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