Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:50:10 +0100:

> > The Pascal "with" statement was introduced with the _explicit_ 
> > intention to allow just the mentioned optimization,
> Since that time compiler seem to have done their homework and can do 
> without private lessons :-)

Kind of. There _are_ situations where the compiler optimization does
something unwanted or even introduces errors. Second guessing another one's
intentions isn't even easy for humans, much less for software.

And then, it's a little bit funny to read a statement against "source code
optimization" from a C programmer, when it is often an expressed concern by
such to keep their source code as optimized for their compiler as

But anyway, the Pascal style "with" allows you to keep your source free
from naming clutter when the context is clear. If you don't think a "with"
makes the code easier to understand, simply _don't use it_. It is _not_
required in any way.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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