On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Sieghard <s_c_...@arcor.de> wrote:
> Hallo Marcos,
> Du schriebst am Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:58:02 -0200:
>> >> I guess using paths in sources is not a good idea. You will use "/" or
>> >> "\"? IMHO, only the compiler need to know paths.
>> >
>> > That's certainly true, a it "bonds" the source file to a certain system
> ...
>> > prime system using "\" also understands "/" as a path element separator,
>> > but what about systems using something else? I think to have seen some
>> > system using ":" for that purpose, other characters might be in use as
>> > well.
>> Java uses "." ;-)
> Java? I don't know of either an operating system named "Java" or a file
> system of that name, only a programming language called so. Programming
> languages _should_ be "agnostic" toward the system specifics, so how can
> Java use a specific path element separator?

I was talking about Java language, of course.
Pascal uses units. Java uses packages. Packages are referenced by your
paths but you do not uses "\" or "/" but uses "."

>> > Not really - you _have_ to have a way for storing these definitions.
>> > Whether in a source file or elsewhere, you will have to adjust them on
>> > another system. But a separate file - if properly documented - may have
>> > the advantage of keeping these definitions in a single place. Per
>> > project, at least.
>> I don't understand where you see the difference...
>> The (new) ALIAS parameter is only one more parameter to compiler...
> I didn't talk about "seeing a difference", just that it is neccessary to
> somehow specify where to find the source files a project uses. Usually, the
> compiler is used to keep track of that, and often this has to be specified
> on every single call to it (gcc, e.g.). Such compiler behaviour even
> prompted the development of the "make" system a sa means to automate these
> things and to allow for persistent storage of the dependencies.

MSE has .prj file; Lazarus has .lpi file; you can use your own script too.
The language should not care about paths... only the compiler. I mean
the concept "where are the files" is not a language concern.

> BTW, there's a very easy and simple way around this neccessity:
> just require that _everything_ to compile a project from has to be
> contained in one big single file that you feed to the compiler.
> This was in fact the original approach used for Pascal.

IDE makes this very easy too. ;-)

Marcos Douglas

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