Hallo Michael,

Du schriebst am Wed, 20 Nov 2013 11:45:56 +0100:

> > _No_ language can make certain that a preprocessor cannot be used. 
> It can make use of the preprocessor syntax itself (e.g. requiring a # at 
> the start of a line for some purpose)

No, it _cannot_, because these syntactic elements are _removed_ by the
preprocessor. The (real) language processor doesn't "see" them at all.
(BTW, the C preprocessor doesn't _require_ the  "#" to be at the beginning
of a line, just in front of its keyword - and it _may_ even be separated by
whitespace from the one it _belongs_ to - weird.)

> > _No_ language should depend on the use of a preprocessor. 
> Right.

You _do_ say?

> call cpp as a stand alone preprocessor and failed, but succeeding when 

You might have called it with the wrong syntax. "cpp --help" gives a long
list of options and a description of how to use it.

> > Well, what you write only asks for one single thing: "C".
> I suppose for C this is documented somewhere. Did you find a 
> documentation for some Pascal dialect that contradicts the assumption 
> that it should work that way ?

There are several things there that are syntactic errors in Pascal code,
at least, of course, if not removed by some program processing the code
prior to compiling it:

  - Pascal doesn't accept lone "#" characters
  - Pascal doesn't know the "\" line continuation convention
  - Pascal doesn't use "/*" and "*/" as comment delimiters
  - Pascal doesn't use "//" as a comment delimiter
    (although this was introduced as an extension by Delphi & FPC)
    (BTW, there are other styles for single line comments also, e.g.
     ADA uses "--", and some FORTHs use "\".)

The remaining "requirements" you stated are very common for any programming
language, even for common languages, at least such using the "latin" based
writing system.

> Of course the origin of the preprocessor is the needs of C programmers, 
> but as Martin will not be writing a new preprocessor, there is no way 
> but using same (if somebody might be in need for this).

You could use _any_ program as a preprocessor, even a perl script or awk
program, or even something written in Pascal.

> > The C preprocessor has developed into a gargantuan monster never 
> > conceived to do what is was made to do. 
> It is a perfect example on how an algorithm that can be defined in just 
> a few lines can be used to do very complex stuff.

How big is this "C preprocessor" you're referring to? The one called "cpp"
on my system is ove half a megabyte in size - machine code, that is.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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